We are pleased to announce that our program for teen and young parents continues to thrive and evolve, and we will begin this new year of the program on March 21st under the new name Prepared Parents Workshop! We had significant interest from Dads last year and began partnering with the Fatherhood Coaching program at the Pregnancy Resource Center so provide some specific content for Dads and wanted to use a more inclusive name as we continue to support all parents. We will of course also continue our curriculum of education in the areas of a healthy pregnancy, labor and delivery, breastfeeding, postpartum care, and support, infant care, infant safety, and positive parenting, all in the context of communal parent-to-parent support. If you know someone who could benefit from this program, more information and registration can be found at https://www.athensbirthcircle.org/prepared-parents-workshop/

Again this year our program has been generously funded by the Athens County Foundation, and we also rely on donations of time, food, and baby care items from individuals and businesses in our community. Please let us know if you would like to be involved on any level! We have an Amazon baby registry with items we are hoping to collect, and we are glad to find a new home for extra new pregnancy and baby-related items that you may have laying around the house. I have included the link to the baby registry below, as well as a list of items we are seeking. We will be glad to collect items at any monthly meeting, or if you order from Amazon you can have it delivered directly to us. Thanks so much for your support!
Volunteer needs:
- Drivers for those who do not have transportation to/from camp (prefer women to be available for female participants traveling alone, for their comfort getting into a stranger’s car)
- Provide a healthy snack for one of our meeting days.
- If you are knowledgeable about one or more of the topics in our curriculum listed above, reach out to us about giving a presentation.
- Come and hang out, share your birth/postpartum/breastfeeding/parenting story, normalize breastfeeding in public by doing it (many of our participants have never seen another woman breastfeed, which can be a significant factor in breastfeeding initiation and success!)
Items need New/unopened:
**Diapers/wipes (any size) <- Our most requested item!
Sleep Sack
Diaper cream/bath products
Board books for baby
Baby carriers
Hooded baby towel
Breastfeeding cover
Small toys/stuffed animals/rattles
Baby instruments/shakers
Postpartum pads, nursing pads
Marathon gas gift cards (the closest gas station to the Workshop location)
Can accept gently used:
Board books
Baby Carriers
*We can accept larger used items such as bouncy seats, high chairs, baby baths, bags of used clothes, etc. on the day of camp, we do not have adequate storage for these items in advance but they are appreciated by many of our participants
Ariel Carver
Executive Director, The Birth Circle

Loss Support Group
Thursday, February 6th, 6:30 pm
Central Avenue Church, 73 Central Ave., Athens
If you are in need of support because of a pregnancy loss or the loss of your child, you are welcome to join us every first Thursday of the month for this support group. These meetings are free and facilitated by a professional social worker. All family members, such as grandparents, siblings, aunts, and uncles, as well as friends, are welcome. Childcare is provided.

Family Walks
Thursday, February 13th at 5:30 pm
Join Birth Circle member Rebecca and her family for our monthly walk. Bring your family or just come on your own for some socializing and a bit of exercise! Meet from 5:15-5:30 PM inside the Market on State and walk from 5:30-6:30 PM. Please indicate if you are coming to the event so that we know to wait for you! Hope to see you there!

Postpartum Support Group
Monday, February 24th, 6:30 pm
Athens Public Library, 30 Home St. Athens
Join us to share support and gentle yoga stretches as we navigate the period of postpartum transition. Pregnant Mamas and those past the “postpartum year” still in need of or willing to offer support are also welcome!

Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, February 26th
6 pm at the Athens Library <- Note the NEW TIME!
Let’s talk about pelvic floor health with Natalie Metzger PT, DPT
Sponsor a Birth Circle Monthly Meeting
Want an easy way to get the word out about your business, services, or new program AND support The Birth Circle at the same time? Well, we’ve got just the opportunity for you! Contact us at athensbirthcircle@gmail.com for more information about how you can sponsor one of our Monthly Meetings.

Meals for Families
Let The Birth Circle community cook for you! If you’ve just had a baby, if you are going through another type of transition in your family, or have experienced a loss, The Birth Circle is more than happy to organize a meal calendar to help support you. If you are interested in receiving meals, providing meals or both, please contact our Meals For Families Coordinator, Ariel Carver at athensbirthcircle@gmail.com for more information.