Please forgive our delay this month as we recover from the holidays and JIVE! We want to again thank our sponsors for their generous contributions toward the success of our biggest annual fundraiser: Ohio Health, Matthews Insurance, Jackie O’s Pub and Brewery, and The Dairy Barn Arts Center!
We do have two events coming up at the end of this month that we want to make you aware of, and we will get back into the regularly scheduled swing of things in February.
Happy and Healthy New Year to all!
Ariel Carver
Executive Director, The Birth Circle

Our Monthly Meeting now meets at 6 pm!
Same day and the same location!
Last Wednesday of every month at the Athens Public Library, 30 Home St. Athens.

Postpartum Support Group
Monday, January 27th – 6:30 pm
Athens Public Library, 30 Home St. Athens
Join us on January 27th at 6:30 pm to share support and gentle yoga stretches as we navigate the period of postpartum transition. Pregnant Mamas and those past the “postpartum year” still in need of or willing to offer support are also welcome!

January Meeting
Wednesday, January 29th – 6 pm
Athens Public Library, 30 Home St. Athens
Join Lauren Genter, CPM, from Ohio Hills Midwifery on January 29th to talk about the ways water can ease your labor at home or in the hospital, and ask all your questions about what it takes to plan a water birth at home. All are welcome!