Did you know there are two ways to support the Birth Circle with the shopping you already do? Birth Circle Inc is registered as a charity with Amazon Smile, and by selecting us as your preferred charity and shopping on that version of their website Amazon will make a donation to the Birth Circle for every purchase you make! Kroger Rewards also has a similar program that you can link your Kroger card to a charity to receive donations. So if you do not already support a charity with either of those organizations, please consider adding us for a low impact way to support our continuing work educating and supporting families through their pregnancy and parenting journeys!

Ariel Carver
Executive Director, The Birth Circle



Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, June 27th
7pm at the Athens Public Library

Following our May celebration of birth stories, we are going to gather to share postpartum stories this month! We will share the joys and struggles of the postpartum year and are also hoping to discuss the need for a regularly scheduled postpartum support group in the area, a project we are hoping to partner in the near future. So if you are currently in need of postpartum support, have wisdom and love to share, are preparing your resources during pregnancy, or have an interest in seeing a postpartum support group get off the ground, please join us!

Our meeting sponsor this month is Erica Andrews of Laughing Moon Midwifery:: Keeping Birth Sacred. Offering complete, holistic Midwifery care, homebirth, doula services, and more.


Thursday, July 5th
Central Avenue Church, 73 Central Ave., Athens
If you are in need of support because of a pregnancy loss or the loss of your child, you are welcome to join us every first Thursday of the month for this support group. These meetings are free and facilitated by a professional social worker. All family members, such as grandparents, siblings, aunts, and uncles, as well as friends are welcome. Childcare is provided.

Play Group is Back!
Join Birth Circle Board member Maira and her children at the Athens Library in the children’s section on the first Tuesday of the month 3-5pm for informal free play and socializing. Tuesday, July 3rd will be the next meet-up!

Date and Time to be announced, stay tuned on our Facebook page!

We hope to gather later this month for some play and socializing, we hope to see you there!


MEALS FOR FAMILIES (formerly Meals For Moms)
Let The Birth Circle community cook for you! If you’ve just had a baby, if you are going through another type of transition in your family, or have experienced a loss, The Birth Circle is more than happy to organize a meal calendar to help support you. If you are interested in receiving meals, providing meals or both, please contact our Meals For Families Coordinator, Ariel Carver at arielrose.carver@gmail.com for more information.

You can also click here if you would like to sign up to receive meals.

Or fill out this online form if you would like to sign up to prepare a meal for a family!

Prepared Mommy Camp
Camp is off to a great start, we had five participants at our May meeting and enjoyed lunch courtesy of Brennan’s. We have just one session left in our spring camp (6/16)! If you know any young Mamas or Mamas to be, we will be running another session of camp beginning in August! As always we are happy to take on more volunteers to provide transportation and to hang out with us!