I apologize for the delay in sending out this newsletter, but we have several new things coming up this month, and I wanted to be sure to have the most up to date information available to share with you!
A NEW postpartum support group; starting next week on October 14th! We are excited to work with a facilitator who is a mother, counselor, and yoga instructor, and will be able to bring a marvelous blend of mental, physical, and emotional support to pregnant and postpartum Mamas!
In honor of Pregnancy and Infant loss month, we will also be sending a representative to speak with the local MOPs chapter on October 17th, and hosting a Ceremony Honoring Pregnancy and Infant Loss on October 20th. We hope to bring support to those families suffering from this tragic loss, as well as bringing awareness to ways that we all can support these families in ways that meet their needs.
Ariel Carver
Executive Director, The Birth Circle

Loss Support Group
Thursday, November 7th, 6:30 pm
Central Avenue Church, 73 Central Ave., Athens
If you need support because of a pregnancy loss or the loss of your child, you are welcome to join us every first Thursday of the month for this support group. These meetings are free and facilitated by a professional social worker. All family members, such as grandparents, siblings, aunts, and uncles, as well as friends, are welcome. Childcare provided.

Family Walks
Thursday, October 10th, 5:30 pm
Habit for Humanity, 325 W. Union St, Athens
Join Birth Circle member Rebecca and her family for our monthly walk on the bike path. Bring your family or just come on your own for some socializing and a bit of fresh air! Meet from 5:15-5:30 pm in front of the Habitat for Humanity House on the bike path and walk from 5:30 to 6:30 pm.

Prepared Mommy Camp
Saturday, October 12th, 10 am – 2 p
Athens Friends Meeting House, 22 Birge Dr, Chauncey, OH 45719.
This Camp aimed at providing birth and parenting education and community building with young Mamas age 23 and under, though when we do have extra space and are glad to include others as well. We accept registration on a rolling basis, and participants are welcome to come back next year to catch the topics they missed this year. More information, as well as a video and the registration form, can be found on our website. We sincerely appreciate your support!

Postpartum Support Group
Monday, October 14th, 6:30 pm – 8 pm
Athens Public Library, 30 Home St. Athens
Join Sam Catania, who is a Mother, Therapist at Hopewell Health, and a yoga instructor for a postpartum support group incorporating both conversation and gentle yoga to take care of your mind and body during your postpartum journey! Pregnant Mamas and pre-mobile infants are also welcome if there is a need we will gladly look into providing childcare for older babies and toddlers. All expecting and postpartum women are welcome to this group, we all need support! Those who are concerned about more severe postpartum depression and anxiety can work with Sam to find an additional individual care provider that works for you. This program is free and will continue monthly.
Please feel free to share this!

Ceremony Honoring Pregnancy and Infant Loss
Sunday, October 20th, 4 pm
Meet at the Loss Memorial Bench at the Sells Park for a time of reflexion and poetry in honor of the children we have loved who were gone too soon.

The Birth Circle Fall PlayGroup
Tuesday, October 22nd, 9:30-11 am
Highland Park, Athens
Happy Fall! Join The Birth Circle at our Fall Playgroup. Bring your favorite cup of coffee or tea. Enjoy nature’s display of colors and let the kids play outdoors!

Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, October 30th, 7 pm
Why you should not have a birth plan.
Birth is unpredictable. While being educated about your birth options and deciding ahead of time about your preferences is an excellent idea; being dedicated to one concrete plan can cause mental and emotional stress if birth takes an unexpected turn. Join local Midwife Erica Andrews to talk about your birth options and how to prepare for the unpredictable.

Meals for Families
Let The Birth Circle community cook for you! If you’ve just had a baby, if you are going through another type of transition in your family, or have experienced a loss, The Birth Circle is more than happy to organize a meal calendar to help support you. If you are interested in receiving meals, providing meals, or both, please contact our Meals For Families Coordinator, Ariel Carver, at arielrose.carver@gmail.com for more information.