“Being a Mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had, and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.” Linda Wooten
This statement has always been true, and ever more so in these uncertain and stressful months we are journeying through this year. We look forward to Mother’s Day this year in a state of disquiet, many of us have had a month or two already of being thrown into the intense race of trying to do too many kinds of work in the same space without any additional time. Many of us are planning our celebrations, or lack thereof, in isolation from our Mothers and Mother figures.
We at the Birth Circle traditionally celebrate Mother’s Day by gathering to share and celebrate birth stories. Since that gathering won’t be possible this month, we are hoping that we can share our stories virtually throughout the month and celebrate our birthing journeys together from afar. We will begin to share some stories on our website and in our newly launched Facebook group, which you can find here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/263789164744127/
We invite you, and everyone to share a birth story or stories with us in any way that feels comfortable to you. Post a maternity/birth/postpartum photo or a video of you telling your birth story in the Facebook group; send us a video or blog post or photos to post on our website. If you prefer to share a story anonymously feel free to send it to us to post. Or join us as a supporter and send all the heart emojis and encouragement you can find to our Mamas. As always, we explore all options available to birthing families, while promoting a feeling of openness. All backgrounds, experiences, and choices are honored here.
Probably it goes without saying that everything else is canceled until further notice. We miss you all and look forward to the day that we can gather again. Until then join us online, though we are apart YOU are still valued, and your journey is important.
Ariel Carver
Executive Director, The Birth Circle